A Visit with Planet Bordeaux

Article de Scott Wadlow

« I was lucky enough to have a recent conversation with some representatives of Planet Bordeaux centered around the seeming disinterest from many Americans in the wines of Bordeaux . […] It is the largest AOC in France, produces wines at all cost levels, and offers wines in a wide variety of styles . You can drink a deep brooding red wine, a dry, crisp white, an easy quaffing but complex rose, or even a beguilingly complex sweet desert wine without stepping outside of the Bordeaux genre. […]

The Chateau la Levrette 2008 Blanc has a strong oak influence to its guava , papaya , and pineapple notes . […] This is an entirely different animal than the typical, more austere white wines of Bordeaux and yet the hints of smoke and chalk bring it back home.

Chateau la Levrette 2007 Rouge is a blend of merlot and cabernet sauvignon that balances a deep dark fruit aspect with a higher-toned red fruit profile that is delicious . […]

Another member of the panel, Regis Chaigne , always wanted to be a pilot. […] This was in 1990 and now for 21 years he has dedicated himself to producing white, rose, clairet, and red wines with an eye towards the palate the consumer. Chateau Ballan-Larquette hits this mark, and surpasses, with very affordable wines offered widely in the U.S. through BevMo, and throughout the world […] »

Voir en ligne : www.thevinofile.net

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